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Educational Links

  • All Things PLC

    This site is a collaborative, objective resource for educators and administrators who are committed to enhancing student achievement. We invite you to share your knowledge, ask questions, and get expert insight into the issues educators face each day.
  • California Learning Resource Network

    CLRN provides educators with a "one-stop" resource for critical information needed for the selection of supplemental electronic learning resources aligned to the State Board of Education academic content standards.
  • Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration

    Search for over 1800 unique teacher evaluated K-12 interactive video distance learning programs, aligned with national K-12 curriculum standards, offered by over 230 content providers from around the world.
  • Collaborative Video conferences

    Welcome to a global collaborative videoconferencing community! This wiki is a collection of educator-created templates and projects for collaborative video conferences. Start by browsing the projects. Then follow these instructions to add your own projects!
  • Imagination Station

    Imagination Station, Toledo’s hands-on science center on the downtown riverfront, is a vital non-profit organization and an integral part of Toledo’s economic, educational and social landscape. Imagination Station provides a critical layer of science enrichment by serving as an educational partner for teachers, schools and parents. It’s with a thoughtful blend of hundreds of hands-on exhibits, experiences, education and excitement that Imagination Station is inspiring future generations of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) careers in northwest Ohio.
  • K-12 High Speed network Provider List

    The mission of the California K-12 High Speed Network is to enable educators, students and staff across the state to have access to reliable high speed network which has the capacity to deliver high quality online resources to support teaching and learning and promote academic achievement.
  • Parks Online Resources for Teachers and Students

    Educational Video conference Opportunities Parks Online Resources for Teachers and Students is a program through the California State Parks. PORTS has great resources, units of study which culminate in a virtual field trip to a state park.
  • Technology Information Center for Administrative Leadership

    Located at is information that will help administrators in finding resources to assist in the day-to-day needs of their jobs, whether they are site level principals or district superintendents. These resources have been collected and organized by a cadre of technology-savvy, practicing administrators and met criteria judged to be of value to other administrators.
  • The Paley Center for Media

    At The Paley Center for Media, you have the opportunity to access an international collection of nearly 150,000 programs covering almost 100 years of television and radio history, including news, public affairs programs and documentaries, performing arts programs, children's programming, sports, comedy and variety shows, and commercial advertising. Programming from some seventy countries is represented in the collection.