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Lunch Menu

MLHS Menu Prices & Nutrition Information

Menu Prices

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Nutrition Information

Please come and join us for a nutritious healthy breakfast and lunch! We proudly serve FRANZ bread items (whole wheat/whole grain and 100% items as well). We also proudly serve PRODUCERS milk and dairy items. White milk is 1% and chocolate milk is non-fat and no HF.

Breakfast: Includes fresh fruit/juice component (vegetables included).

  • Students choose a minimum of 3 of the components offered for breakfast (i.e. protein, grain, fruit/vegetable, milk).
  • 2 grain components may be taken.
  • 2 fruit components may be taken.

Lunch: Includes fresh fruit (canned may be available); fresh salad bar and/or fresh vegetable(s).

  • Students choose 3 of 5 components for lunch (i.e. protein, grain, vegetable, fruit, milk).
  • An entrée item may encompass 2 components (i.e. protein/grain).
  • Students MUST take 1/2 cup of fruit or vegetable at the minimum; more is allowed and both are allowed.

Cook's choice: Means many of your favorites will be served!

Chilled 1% milk and non-fat chocolate milk is served daily (no NF chocolate milk with cold cereal is recommended, NF milk available)

MLHS Menus