Enroll Now
Gateway Unified School District uses an Online Enrollment Process. This page is dedicated to answering questions regarding this process.
The online enrollment takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. If you cannot complete the process in one sitting, you may log out and resume the process later.
- Annual Registration Dates
- Find Your School
- Interdistrict - Intradistrict Transfer Information
- Printable Forms - Immunization Information
Annual Registration Dates
Registration opens during the following weeks and continues throughout school year. Please contact your school of residence or the school that you desire to attend for more information.
Second Week in January
Residence of the school attendance area, not currently enrolled in school
Third Week in January
Those who move into the attendance area after the first registration period
Siblings already in the school of choice with an Inter/Intra-District Agreement
Those who live inside Gateway Unified School District boundaries with an Intra-District Agreement
Fourth Week in January
Those who live outside of Gateway Unified School District boundaries with an Inter-District Agreement
Find Your School
Find your school
There are many schools within Gateway Unified School District. This Boundary Map will help you to know and find your school of Residence. If you address is outside Gateway Unified School District school boundaries then you may need to submit an Interdistrict Transfer from.
Interdistrict - Intradistrict Transfer Information
The Governing Board recognizes that students who reside in one district may choose to attend school in another district and that such choices are made for a variety of reasons.
The following Terms of Agreement are outlined in the Application for Interdistrict Transfer Permit.
This Agreement is made between the Governing Boards of the resident and requested school district (district of attendance) in accordance with the provisions of Education Code sections 35160, 46600 et seq., and the parent/guardian/pupil identified in the IDT request.
1. Procedure to be Followed.
All requests must be approved by both districts in this order: 1st by the District of Residence (sending) and 2nd by the Requested District of Attendance (receiving):
a. Pupil shall be sent to the District of Residence who will provide the Request for Interdistrict Transfer form and will assist with completing the form. Once completed, parent will submit the form to the District of Residence for consideration of approval.
b. The District of Residence will record time and date received and give parent a copy.
c. The District of Residence will have five (5) school days to complete and give to District of Attendance.
d. Pupils Moving to the Area: If pupil is not currently enrolled in any school within the area and is not known to District of Residence, District of Residence shall mark “unknown” to District of Residence.
e. If no action has been taken after five (5) school days, parent may seek approval directly from the District of Attendance.
f. The Requested District of Attendance, upon receipt of the form, will record time and date received and will have five (5) school days to consider approval.
g. If the Request for Interdistrict Transfer form is approved by both the District of Residence and the District of Attendance, the pupil is enrolled as soon as possible into the District of Attendance.
h. If the Request for Interdistrict Transfer form is denied by either or both the District of Residence and the District of Attendance, the parent may appeal to the Shasta County Board of Education within 30 days of either denial or refusal to issue an IDT permit.
2. Length of Permit and Reapplication Requirements.
Notwithstanding Education Code section 46600, any interdistrict transfer permit issued under this Agreement is valid only for one year and pupils must reapply each year, except for pupils entering grade 11 or 12 in the subsequent school year. In its discretion, the District of Attendance may issue an Interdistrict Transfer permit for up to 5 years in length, subject to the District of Attendance’s right to revoke the permit.
3. Terms and Conditions for Permitting Transfer by Requested District of Attendance.
The Superintendent/designee of the District of Attendance may approve an interdistrict transfer pursuant to applicable board policy and regulations for reasons including but not limited to:
- The pupil is a victim of bullying, as defined under Education Code section 48900(r);
- To address the child care needs of the pupil;
- To address the pupil’s special mental or physical health needs as certified by a physician, school psychologist, or other appropriate school personnel;
- When the pupil has a sibling attending the school district of residence;
- To participate in a specialized program in secondary schools as long as there is space available after first serving and enrolling pupils that reside in the district;
- When the class and school enrollments in the district will permit the enrollment of additional pupils residing outside the district;
- When the parent/guardian provides written evidence that the family will be moving into the district in the immediate future and would like the pupil to start that year in the district;
- To allow the pupil to complete the school year if their parent/guardian will be moving out of the district during the school year; or
- When there is a valid interest in a particular educational program not offered in the district of residence.
4. Terms or Conditions for Denying Transfer by the District of Attendance.
The Superintendent/designee of the District of Attendance may deny an interdistrict transfer pursuant to applicable board policy and regulations for reasons including but not limited to:
- If school facilities are overcrowded at the relevant grade level and / or site;
- If district resources are limited; or
- Any other consideration so long as it is not arbitrary. However, once an interdistrict transfer permit has been approved, the Superintendent or designee of the District of Attendance may not revoke a pupil’s interdistrict transfer permit during the effective period of the permit because of overcrowded facilities.
5. Notice of Denial of Transfer.
Written notice of the denial of an interdistrict transfer permit shall be provided by the district denying the request. The notice shall advise the parent or guardian of all information required by Education Code section 46601 regarding appeals.
6. Transportation.
Unless otherwise agreed to or required by law, a pupil attending a school other than his or her district of residence under this Agreement is not entitled to and shall not receive home to school transportation from either his or her district of residence or district of attendance.
7. Costs of Transfer Pupils.
Unless otherwise agreed to or required by law, the costs associated with the education provided to and services rendered for transfer pupils under this Agreement shall be not be the responsibility of the District of Residence.
8. Terms for Revocation of an Interdistrict Transfer Permit.
Parent / guardian agree that an interdistrict transfer permit may be revoked according to reasons stated in the District of Attendance’s board policy and regulations, including but not limited to:
a. If a pupil has been habitually truant or irregularly absent;
b. If a pupil fails to maintain passing grades and / or satisfactory academic progress;
c. If a pupil is subject to pupil discipline;
d. If a pupil is recommended for expulsion; or
e. If it is determined that information provided to support a transfer permit application is inaccurate, invalid, or falsified.
Students wishing to attend a school other than their school of residence must complete Intra-District Transfer(between schools within Gateway Unified School District.)
- Contact the school of residence to obtain a transfer form. Forms may also be picked up at the Gateway Unified School District Office or may be printed from the GUSD website.
- Fill out the form completely. Note the school of residence, the year of attendance for the requested transfer and the grade level of the student for the year of attendance.
- Turn the transfer from in to the school of residence. (All transfers start from the school of residence.)
- The principal will sign the form, indicating whether or not the transfer is recommended, and will send it to the school of requested attendance.
- The principal of the transfer school will sign the form, indicating approval or denial, and will then forward the form to the Superintendent for final signature.
- Upon final approval or denial of the request by the GUSD Superintendent, you will be notified by letter of the results.
- If you have any questions, you may call any of the schools or the Gateway Unified School District office.
Printable Forms - Immunization Information
Conditional Forms (required in certain situations)
The following forms are only required for certain students. If applicable, please fill out these forms and deliver to the school office.
- if you live OUTSIDE of Gateway Unified School District
- If you live in the District but outside of desired school.
- For information about required Immunizations